Saturday, 26 December 2009

The "pooleman" mould starts

Hello and as promised here are some pictures of the current goings on;

The Plug: this is essentially my first design from what is to be the "flash" series of helmets (more on this later). The helmet is designed to cover all of the major areas including the frontal, temporal and occipital parts of the head. A helmet for the everyday paddler on the local run but with enough security for running the sh*t and at the same time sufficiently casual not to look like a co*k. If you're not bothered by all the technical bits then please skip to the last paragraph now.

The Mould: the mould for this helmet needs to be made in two parts due to the complex inward curves at the back and the temple and peak areas round the front. For this a cut out of the center profile of the helmet is stuck to the center line and made flush with plasticine.

This done I have fixed domed screws through the plywood such that their indent in the mould casing can be used to position the two sides of the mould accurately. The plug was then waxed and polished with mould release wax before a coating of PVA releasing agent which has given things a slightly blue tint and a very glossy finish.

This is the gel coat (top layer) of the mould just gone on. It is a polyester based resin which is thicker than normal resins so it will sit in place on the mould and not go running off places. It is also extremely heat stable and chemical resistant so can withstand being exposed to other resins once it's cured.

Some of you may have noticed that its a bit cold at the moment (what with it being boxing day and all) so the moulding process is being done in the back of my garage ontop of two heat mats and when not being worked on sits inside an insulated container as well so that should keep it at a reasonable temperature.

In about an hour from now I will start building up the layers of the mould with various thicknesses and types of fibreglass mat.

The entire mould will take approx. two weeks to make and cure fully as each side must be made separately. After this the first protoype helmets will be produced in the L/XL size which is often neglected but before that systems for Vac-bagging need to be looked at

Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry christmas all,

sorry but no updates as of yet as i'm not at home, although i have made some contacts in teesside university who will help with the 3D scanning and resizing of my models to create the different helmet sizes and will also use all their CAM stuff to speed up my moulding process.

I will uplaod sosme photos of the design tomorrow followed by some of my sketches and blurb.

Monday, 21 December 2009

the beginning of days...

Howdy, so...the blog is because every now and then people ask me how the helmets are coming along, what colour and designs i'm going to do, how much they will cost, whether they can really beat sweet etc, etc..

And most of the time I dont have a clue and just want to go to sleep.

So I have started this blog which I can keep updated when i'm actually awake enough and so I can revert to my antisocial and introverted ways and maybe get some work done. It will also serve as an alert for when people need to give me a kick up the arse..

So here's your first update:

The helmet designs have been going nowhere since early November;

Prolems at the minute are:
  • 1) how to make the first mould from the plug
  • 2) how to scale the mould down so as to fit "normal" people as at the minute its a tad too big

The good news is I have now solved problem no.1 and will shortly be getting on the way with making the first split center line mould (SCLM) and then the first L/XL helmet prototypes (aka the "poolemans").

I have just purchased some new resins and tooling gel coat more suitable for making the moulds so things should get moving again when they arrive.

I'll be putting some pictures and descriptions up of what i've got and what i'll be doing with it as well as my general rants, ravings, philosophical musings, and if i get bored some actual boating bits too.


P.S. "EST" - est are a group of paddlers from newcastle who i have temporarily stolen the brand name from to cover up my poor lack of imagination. Hopefully they either won't notice till its too late or I will be struck by some divine inspiration before too long. Check them out at: